Two awesome things happened yesterday.

Awesome thing #1- My baby saw snow for the first time. We have our first snowfall of the winter. The first snowfall since baby boy was born. I bundled him up and braved the weather to go run errands. While sitting in his car seat, he peeked over his blanket and looked around. His eyes got very wide, his eyebrows shot up and he smiled so big. He loved it! I only wish I could have taken a picture. He is so precious.

Awesome thing #2-I’m wearing a new pair of jeans. These are NOT skinny jeans by any stretch of my imagination. My Dad and Rose got me some new jeans for Christmas. On Christmas day, they would not fit me. Today is day 3 of my journey to Healthify my year.  Over the past 3 days, I have done 2 things. I have stopped eating fast food and I have given up soda pop. I can already tell a difference in the way I feel. The most immediate change I feel, is less bloated. Yesterday I took a chance, and tried on my new jeans, jeans that I could not wear the week before, because they were too tight. I was so surprised when I put them on and they were loose on me!!! Woo hoo!! These size 18 jeans, that I could not even wear a week ago, are big on me.

Please excuse me for a moment, I need to pause for a Fist Pump…


So have I lost any pounds yet? I don’t know, I’m only going to weigh myself once a week, on Sundays. I’m not focusing on the numbers. Because I’m not on a diet. I’m focusing on getting healthier, and I’d say this is a great start. 🙂